
December 29, 2010

The Best Follower Award

Thanks Cik Zieqa kerana memberi saya award ini, terharunya saya :)

Ucapan :

 Assalamualaikum w.b.t. saya ucapkan kepada semua. 
Saya tidak menyangka bahawa saya akan menerima award ini. Terima kasih kepada Cik Nur Haziqah Hamidon kerana memberi saya award ini. Jasa mu akan ku kenang, HAHA.
*Sila baca dengan nada yang formal, :)*

Berikan 4 ciri girl/boy idaman untuk dijadikan wife/husband :

1. Beriman -  ini sangat penting kerana iman merupakan perkara yang terpenting, :)
2. Berkerjaya - He must have a very good and halal job, yg gajinya mampu menanggung kehidupan ku yang memerlukan belanja yg byak kan,, haha
3. Smart - semestinya lelaki itu tidak selekeh, kalau boleh biarlah macam Choi Siwon, Cho Kyuhyun, Daniel Henny..haha :P
4. Menerima saya seadanya - yelah sebab saya ni malas masak,, :)

Berikan satu tips untuk kekalkan relationship korang dgn partner korang :

Haha,, macam mana nak bagi tips kalau tidak pernah ber'couple', LOL.

Pernah anda jumpa doa perdekat jodoh & putus cinta ? : 

langsung tak pernah!

Letakkan 10 link pilihan anda & tell them that they have won this award. 

1. Cik Tati

December 28, 2010

Cik Kie meng'tag' =P

Apa benda yang paling penting dalam hidup korang??
- Internet
- Handphone
- Laptop
- My External Hardisk

Benda terakhir korang beli guna duit sendiri ?
- Headphone
- Novel
- Komik

Di manakah tempat korang ingin melansungkan perkahwinan dan tema perkahwinan korang?
- The venue must be at my parents house, 
tema selalu berubah, tak pernah tetap tema nya,, huhu~

Adakah korang tengah bercinta?
- ohh,, TIDAK!! haha,, saya masih single,, :P

Berapa lama korang mencintai kekasih korang?
- Entah, tengok keadaanlah,, 

Di mana sering berjumpa dengan kekasih korang ?
- Tak pernah dating lah,, HAHA

Novel/buku/majalah terakhiir korang beli?
- aA+bB, Versus, 5 tahun 5 bulan (Hlovate)

Apakah nama penuh korang?
- Nur Farah binti Shamsudin

Antara mak/ayah mana korang lebih rapat?
- Mak lah kot,, ntah mcm rapat ngan dua-dua jer,, :)

Namakan orang yang betul2 korang nak jumpa dalam hidup korang?
- Rasulullah, tapi saya tahu ini merupakan sesuatu yang mustahil, 
jadi kalu yang x berapa mustahil rasa nya nak jumpa ngan kesemua 13 ahli Super Junior + Henry and Zhou Mi dgn FT Island's Lee Hong Ki :)

Korang basuh baju sendiri?
- Selalunya mesin yang tolong basuhkan :)

Di manakah tempat korang betul2 nak pergi?
- Teringin nak pergi Mekah, tapi belom berkemampuan,, haha.
Saya terasa nak ke Korea juga, Jepun pon ya jugak, Singapore jugak, Australia, US, UK.. senang kata, saya nak melawat semua tempat,, HAHA

Pilih salah satu,cium atau peluk?
- Neither!

Bagitau 3 benda tentang orang yang tag korang? 
- Si pemakai braces, haha
- Shopaholic 
- Sengal, :P

5 lagu yang korang suka dan selalu dengar?
- Cooking? Cooking! (Super Junior Happy)
- Miss You (SM The Ballad)
- Can't let you go even if I die (2AM)
- U (Super Junior)
- You Light Up My Life (Westlife)

Bila tarikh lahir korang?
- July 22, 1992

4 orang yang korang nak tag:
- Tati
- Lyana

Cerita sikit blogger pertama yang korang tag?
My dearest cousin,, tempat saya membuat luahan hati dan perasaan,,HAHA

December 27, 2010

Your URL Story

makcik zieqa menggedik meng'tag' aku,
mmg sengaja nak suruh aku update blog kan zieqa?!
haha, :)

My URL :

allaboutmylife - I think everyone know what this quote means right?, haha.. Saya pilih this quote sebab blog ni asalnya dibina to be my digital diary, everyday's special moments, but.. bila dah lama-lama, dah jadi malas nak cerita, jadi saya hanya menceritakan tentang apa-apa yang saya rasa nak cerita, it's not about my life anymore :)

92 - sebab saya lahir pada tahun 1992, huhu~

now, I've to tag another two people,

anda yang di'tag' sila jawab ini tag ya.. haha :)

December 26, 2010

Cooking? Cooking! (Super Junior Happy)

[GIRLFRIEND] Hey honey, eat a lot!
[SHINDONG] Uga uga! Uga uga!
[SUNGMIN] My girlfriend ([SHINDONG] is too pretty) My girlfriend ([EUNHYUK] her heart is prettier) But she also has only one weak point – she’s a more incapable cook than me
[EUNHYUK] Can’t cook rice either, Can’t cook soup either
[SHINDONG] This and that She can’t cook anything!
[EUNHYUK] She can’t even boil ramyun’s water
[SHINDONG] She can’t tell between soy sauce and cola
[EUNHYUK] I like you a lot but…
[SHINDONG] I love you a lot but…
[EUNHYUK] If it is really like this
[SHINDONG] Marriage is just…
[LEETEUK] For some reason someday you invited me to dinner
You called me over at your house, I was looking forward to it
[YESUNG] I starved and starved and starved again while anticipating the delicious dinner you’ll give me
And imagining your delicious dinner I took a spoonful ([EUNHYUK] Can it be this tasteless?!*)
[KANGIN] Can it be this tasteless? What on earth did you put in it? ([YESUNG] Ew it’s too tasteless)
I could cook better than this with my eyes closed
[LEETEUK] How could you ask me about the taste? ([EUNHYUK] Whaaat!)
What am I to say anything but… ([SUNGMIN] Ooh, ooh it’s deliciousss)
I told her it’s really tasty, she smiles as she gives me another serving… please save me
[EUNHYUK] I haven’t got in touch with her for a few days
[SHINDONG] And her friend didn’t tell me news about her
[HYUK+DONG] She’s beengoign to English ([LEETEUK] I’m full) Japanese ([SUNGMIN] Anou) Chinese ([SHINDONG] Lai Lai~) lessons and has no time!
[YESUNG] Then she suddenly got in contact with me, she invited me for dinner once more
[LEETEUK] I told her I’m alright I’m full but I run to her hopefully with those feelings
[KANGIN] Can it be this delicious? ([SUNGMIN] Can it be this delicious?) Has a person made this? ([YESUNG] Oooh it’s delicious!)
[SUNGMIN] But I haven’t heard of such taste, not even in rumours
[LEETEUK] So she asks me about the taste ([SUNGMIN] It’s good! It’s good! It’s tooo goood!) As I shed a tear I told you ([LEETEUK] I’m going crazy!)
[YESUNG] It’s the first time since hair has grown on my head that I have such delicious cooking
[SUNGMIN] And I realize that for me…
[YESUNG] She’s been to cooking school ([ALL] Oooh it’s delicious!) Little did I know about that
[LEETEUK] Can it be so tasteless— ([SHINDONG] It’s not!)
[KANGIN] Can it be this delicious? ([SHINDONG] That’s right!) Has a person made this? ([SUNGMIN] Hey honey!)
[SUNGMIN] But I haven’t heard of such taste, not even in rumours ([YESUNG] Oh no, it’s delicious!!) ([LEETEUK] It’s too good! It’s too good!)
[LEETEUK] So she asks me about the taste ([YESUNG] the best!!!!!) And as I shed a tear I told her
[YESUNG] It’s the first time since hair has grown on my head that I have such delicious cooking
([SHINDONG] Hahahaha!) ([KANGIN] Aah it’s delicious!) ([SUNGMIN] Eheheh) ([EUNHYUK] I want more~)
[GIRLFRIEND] Hey honey, are you full?
[LEETEUK] I want more.

haha,, lagu ni kelakar!! 
PS : Ziqa, watch the video! :)

December 22, 2010

Dessert :)

Disebabkan hari ini merupakan hari yang membosankan
saya telah membuat keputusan untuk mencuba membuat dessert,
Ini merupakan kali pertama saya membuat kedua-dua dessert ini tanpa bantuan orang lain,,

I've made custard pudding and kek batik,
Ini lah hasilnya,

December 14, 2010

end of 1st semester

Alhamdulillah, syukur ya Allah..
my result are ok,,
better than OK actually ;)
I've got dean's list..
although the pointer are just 'cukup-cukup makan punya pointer..haha'
but it's higher than what I've expected..

THANK YOU to my parents, Azi, Kecik, Fae and CSD1S5 and my lectures for all the support and 'tunjuk ajar'. Thank you so much!!